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Privacy & Cookies Policy


As part of its commercial activity, Crazy Plaisir is required to process information about you. For example, by browsing our websites or our mobile and digital applications, placing an order, filling out a newsletter subscription form, clicking on an advertising link that we present to you, you are sending us information, some of which is likely to identify you ("personal data").

We inform you below of how we collect and process your personal data. We invite you to read this document carefully.

Important: We only use your personal data in the cases provided for by the regulations in force:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

- The performance of a contract that we have concluded with you, and / or

- Compliance with a legal obligation, and / or

- Your consent to the use of your data, and / or

- The existence of a legitimate interest in using your data. Legitimate interest is a set of commercial or business reasons which justify the use of your data by Crazy Plaisir.

For any questions relating to this document, you can contact the person responsible for the protection of personal data for Crazy Plaisir, reachable by e-mail at:


Crazy Plaisir is concerned about the protection of personal data. We are committed to ensuring the best level of protection for your personal data in accordance with the European and French regulations which are applicable in this area.

Crazy Plaisir uses the personal data communicated to it for the following purposes:


We use the information that concerns you for the management of your orders and the related tasks: the payment of your orders, shipments, delivery notes and invoices, accounting, management and sending of newsletters, management of complaints and after-sales service.


When you pay on the site, your payments are secure. The information you give us about your credit card is encrypted and only collected to allow payment of the order. They are destroyed immediately after processing on the site and then kept in a secure space for the authorized legal period.


We use the personal data (name, first name, address, telephone number) that you provide to us to enable the shipment of your packages. These personal data are communicated to the Post Office and kept in our customer file. We do not share this data with any other organization. We do not use this personal data for any action other than shipping packages.


We use your personal data to edit a delivery note that we add to each package shipped. We also use your personal data to edit an invoice if you ask us to do so. Your personal data is not communicated to our accounting department. However, they can be communicated to any outside body for legal reasons (police services, tax services, accountancy control, etc.)


If you have requested this yourself on the website, we use your e-mail address to send you a commercial newsletter directly related to our activity. We do not share your email address with any other organization.


We use the personal data that you have communicated to us (last name, first name, address or telephone number or e-mail address) to contact you in the event of a problem occurring with one of your orders or to manage a complaint.


We collect certain personal data about you in order to allow you to be recognized systematically when you connect to our site. You have the possibility to determine yourself the management of "cookies" on your computer or on your mobile and delete this action if you wish.

A cookie is a text file deposited when consulting a site, an application or an online advertisement and stored in a specific space on the hard drive of your computer or your mobile device. Cookies are managed by your Internet browser and only the issuer of a cookie can decide to read or modify the information contained therein.

A cookie has a limited period of validity. It is deposited and stored on your terminal in compliance with applicable legislation and subject to the choices you have expressed and which you can modify at any time.

A cookie does not identify you personally. It allows its transmitter to recognize your terminal and to collect a certain amount of information relating to the navigation carried out from this terminal.

Cookies have several functions, such as allowing you to navigate efficiently on a site or an application, remember your choices, the goods and services you wish to purchase, etc.

The cookies deposited by our company, subject to your choices, give us access in particular to the following information:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

- Technologies of the equipment you use with IP address (mobile, tablet, PC),

- Type of operating system used by your terminal (Microsoft Windows, Apple Os, Linux, Unix, BeOS, etc.),

- Type and version of the browser software used by your terminal (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.),

- Dates and times of connection to our services,

- Address of the originating website,

- Browsing behavior on our services, content viewed.


We collect certain browsing data to allow us to ensure the security of our services and to detect, avoid or trace any malicious attempt or computer intrusion or any violation of the conditions of use of the service. This collection takes place according to the rules provided for by law.


We may use certain data to better understand our customers or for statistical purposes to analyze site activity and improve the service we provide. We carry out audience measurements, for example we measure the number of page views, the number of visits to the site, as well as the activity of visitors to the site and their frequency of visit.

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